Tools for Drawing Your Own Map

DistrictR, a simple online map drawing tool to easily draw neighborhoods or communities of interest, or drawing a map with four city council districts.

  • DistrictR training video
  • Written quick start guide
  • An important note about using DistrictR:
    • When you are using DistrictR, please be mindful of what the percentage value displayed at the bottom right side of the page is showing you
    • It is showing the maximum population deviation, or the most a single district deviates from the ideal value
    • We are looking for plans that have a total population deviation that is less than 10%
    • Having a maximum population deviation that is less than 10% does not necessarily mean that the total population deviation is less than 10%
    • So to be safe, aim for a maximum population deviation that is under 5%
    • To submit your map, click the “Save” button in the upper right-hand corner, give your map a name, and click “Share to Gallery”

Basic paper maps for those without internet access or who prefer paper. It is meant for drawing a map with four city council districts.

Please use a thick dark-colored pen to draw your map, then submit it at City Hall or by email to You can hand-deliver, mail, fax, scan and email, or photograph and email your map.

Paper maps with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate population totals. It is meant for drawing a map with four city council districts.

  • Paper map (in English or Spanish)
  • Excel spreadsheet (in English or Spanish)
  • Maptitude Online Redistricting (MOR) has been removed because it could not be updated with the official population data in a timely manner.

Tools for Reference

The Story Map is an easy to use “story” of demographic and other data to learn about your community and identify “communities of interest.” The Story Map is similar to PowerPoint but interactive. It is meant to review and analyze data, not to create maps.

The Interactive Review Map is meant to review, analyze, and compare maps, not to create them. You can zoom in and out on map boundaries, view population counts/ID#s, and view draft plans. It is similar to Google Maps in ease of use.

List of Communities of Interest and Neighborhoods identified by the Council