Plan 402 City Staff welcomes your feedback on the following map. Please leave a comment below. cityofgoleta2022-01-24T11:18:21-08:00 7 Comments R Mc January 22, 2022 at 12:36 amLog in to Reply I prefer this map. It is more logically divided. Map 401 explicitly excludes my neighborhood from the same district as all the other surrounding neighborhoods. Paula Johnson January 22, 2022 at 1:44 amLog in to Reply Where is the outline of each of the 4 Districts? Anonymous January 24, 2022 at 1:52 pmLog in to Reply What is the purpose of all these divisions? You have already allowed the splitting of our individual very residential lots which will reduce the value of our homes. Why divide our areas also? Ted Anagnnoson January 24, 2022 at 2:31 pmLog in to Reply this again is a neighborhood background map, with the smaller neighborhoods of the other map grouped together here Anonymous January 24, 2022 at 6:23 pmLog in to Reply You are correct, this is a Neighborhood Map meant to show those communties of interest. It was not submitted as a district map. Claudia Dato January 25, 2022 at 8:52 amLog in to Reply This map makes much more sense than Map 401. Old Town boundaries are correct in my view as a 7 year resident of Old Town. Anonymous January 26, 2022 at 10:01 amLog in to Reply I think the City did not label this very well based on some of the comments. why call it PLAN 402 when it is not a plan at all? need to be clear. Leave A Comment Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
I prefer this map. It is more logically divided.
Map 401 explicitly excludes my neighborhood from the same district as all the other surrounding neighborhoods.
Where is the outline of each of the 4 Districts?
What is the purpose of all these divisions?
You have already allowed the splitting of our individual very residential lots which will reduce the value of our homes. Why divide our areas also?
this again is a neighborhood background map, with the smaller neighborhoods of the other map grouped together here
You are correct, this is a Neighborhood Map meant to show those communties of interest. It was not submitted as a district map.
This map makes much more sense than Map 401. Old Town boundaries are correct in my view as a 7 year resident of Old Town.
I think the City did not label this very well based on some of the comments. why call it PLAN 402 when it is not a plan at all?
need to be clear.